Our Service
Overview of our services
health check / preventive healthcare
- vaccination advice
- nutrition counselling
- parasite prophylaxis and treatment
We work closely together with specialists with additional services:
- Cardiologist and Internists Dr. Hilscher + Dr. Ottenjann (Tierarztpraxis Dr. Sörensen)
- Ophthalmology Dr. Allgoewer
- Tierverhaltenstherapeutische Praxis Dr. Werner (specialist for animal behaviour)
- urine- und faeces examinations
- in-house laboratory
- microscopy
- blood pressure measurement
- sonography
- digital radiography
- castration
- tissue surgery
- femoral head ostectomy
- denervation
- routine intubation used in major operations
- narcosis monitoring with pulse oximetry
- inhalation anesthesia
- diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases / allergology
- professional dental cleaning with ultrasound + polish
- tooth extraction
- dentristry of rodents und lagomorphs
- shorten of Incisivi with cut-off wheel
- diagnosis with FNA (fine needle aspiration), biopsy und tumor surgery
in cooperation with Fachpraxis für Tierpathologie Dr. von Bomhard + Dr. Pfleghaar